Summer 2025

June 16th – 28th

Application deadline: April 15

Program Cost: $2,400

2 weeks | 4 credits

Politics, Society and Culture in Cuba – Universal healthcare and education are two of the primary legacies of the Cuban Revolution. Yet under the crushing weight of the US embargo and amidst massive emigration, how does Cuban socialism fare today? Our classes, encounters, and visits will explore these questions, while also introducing you to Cuban politics and culture, in all their beautiful complexity.

The program is a mix of academic classes, experiential activities in and around Havana, a trip to the beautiful Viñales Valley, and an immersive homestay experience.

The academic program consists of three, interdisciplinary classes. We combine Spanish language classes and theoretical discussions with workshops and visits with community groups, schools, institutes, art projects, and museums. Instruction focuses on a distinct theme each week, spanning Cuban history before and after the Revolution, the Cuban socialist political system and economy, and topics such as African culture, the environment, and gender and sexuality.

Throughout it all we ask: What do lessons learned in Cuba mean for social justice struggles back home?

In addition to spending time in and around Havana, you will spend three days in the Viñales Valley. Located in the west end of the island, Viñales is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Its one-of-a-kind limestone mogotes (precipitous hills called ‘mounds’) form the rich soil that allows Viñales’ intergenerational farmers to produce the world’s best tobacco. You will also visit the beautiful Santa Maria beach east of Havana.

Ours is the only study abroad program in Cuba with an authentic homestay experience. Live with families in the popular neighborhood of Marianao and get to know everyday life from a Habanero’s perspective. Families have hosted students for over ten years and are committed to building people-to-people solidarity with people of conscience from the US.


• Cuban Politics (POL 371/571), 1 credit, 15 class hours

• Cuban Society (SOC 380/580), 1 credit, 15 class hours
• Spanish (SPAN 280/380/480), 2 credits, 30 class hours

Independent study is also available! Contact us to learn more.